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Healthy Aging Month | 5 Aging Myths To End NOW

Written by Home Care Providers | Sep 8, 2022 2:00:00 PM

September is Healthy Aging Month!

Healthy Aging Month has been around for more than 20 years as an opportunity to bring focus around the positive aspects of growing older and encouraging people to stay active and take steps to improve their physical and mental health. But what does that mean?

Let’s use this month as a time to draw in on our motivation to push forward to do the things we want to do! This month brings attention to the myths of aging and gives the time to say out loud, “it is NEVER too late” to try something new and take the reins on your own life.

According to the National Institute on Aging, it is important to understand the positive aspects of aging and hold steadfast to the ways you can help conserve healthy habits and choices.

The stigmas surrounding aging are dissipating. So, what are some myths we keep hearing about? Don’t fall into these traps!

  1. Depression and loneliness is normal as I age.
    This is not true! In fact, studies show that older adults are less likely to experience depression than young adults. There are many benefits to growing older and one of those things involves long-lasting friendships and family bonds. Depression is a common mood disorder and there are treatments that are helpful to people and worthwhile investigating.

September is also Suicide Awareness month. Don’t isolate yourself and call your doctor if you need assistance!

  1. I should avoid exercise as I age so I don’t get hurt.
    Not at all. Especially if you have chronic conditions, there is more to gain from being active than sitting down too much. Loss of independence comes more from inactivity than actual chronic conditions. The National Institute on Aging shares tips on exercise so you can stay motivated to keep moving. Almost any person, at any age, can engage in some form of physical activity. Check out some of our suggestions for finding ways to put fitness in your day.
  2. I need less sleep as I get older.
    NO, again. We all need the same amount of sleep according to NIH. Keeping your best mental and physical state is aligned with getting enough sleep. Enough sleep can decrease your chances of falling, improve your mood, keep you motivated to be active, and more. Learn more about methods to track your getting up and down habits here and more tips from the NIH on getting good rest here.
  1. It is hard to learn new things.
    NOPE. You have a lifetime of experiences to pull from which gives you advantages to learning new skill sets! Studies even show trying new things is linked to improving cognitive abilities. So, keep your body and brain active.
  1. It is a part of aging, and I will eventually get dementia.
    Wrong again. Dementia is not a normal part of aging. There are a range of causes that can affect memory and thinking. It is important to talk to your caregiving team about any concerns regarding your memory or if you have changes in your personality or behavior. Rachel Wonderlin, Dementia Care Consultant talks more about this.

All in all, STAY ACTIVE as it can make life better and improve your overall health!

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